ETI brings precision to your process control with our advanced elemental analyzers, ash analyzers, moisture meters, nuclear belt scales, and more. Used in industries including coal, cement, minerals, and wood/biomass fuel, our online analyzers provide real-time data on elemental composition, ash content, moisture content, heating value, and weight of bulk materials. This ensures optimized material composition and consistent product quality.
Trust ETI for reliable and accurate measurements as your materials move through conveyors and piping.
Our product line includes PGNAA units for full elemental analysis, dual-gamma instruments for ash, moisture, heating value, and weight/density, and single-gamma analyzers for weight/density. These online analyzers deliver real-time data, enabling immediate process control decisions based on material measurements.
Additionally, ETI designs and manufactures high-speed sort gates and custom sorting/blending equipment. These devices, controlled by an analyzer or by plant control systems, sort and blend materials using analysis data.
The Model 730 Elemental Analyzer combines a Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analyzer (PGNAA) and an Ash/Density/Moisture gauge to measure elemental content, moisture, weight, and ash of materials as they are transported on a conveyor.
The Model DGA-410 /DGA-410M Dual-Gamma Ash Analyzer (Ashmeter) is a registered nuclear gauging device for measuring ash content, weight, and optionally, moisture content of bulk materials.
The Model 500 Nuclear Belt Scale /Density Meter measures the weight of bulk material as it travels on a conveyor belt.
The Model 520 Slurry Analyzer is a registered nuclear gauging device for measuring ash and density of coal slurries inside piping.
The Model 510 BTU Meter is a registered nuclear gauging device for measuring ash, moisture, heating value, and weight of coal as it travels through a boiler feeder pipe.
The Model 2000 High Speed Sort Gate is a rugged gate assembly for separating materials based on quality. The gate works in conjunction with ETI's Dual-Gamma Analyzer or Process Control Analyzer, and is automatically controlled based on the analyzer measurements taken vs. the set-points controlled by the operator. Manual controls are also supplied.
Accurate, reliable operation of our products is critical to our customers' success. ETI maintains factory service personnel and field crews to quickly respond to technical and mechanical service issues. Technicians are available directly by phone and can access the equipment via secure VPN connections to address service and support inquiries.
ETI provides radiation services for both our equipment and for equipment made by other manufacturers. We provide leak testing, source replenishment, radiation safety training, and radiation program auditing.
ETI will install and configure your equipment on-site and will work with your engineers to comply to site-specific requirements. We will also provide technical assistance and drawings to facilitate any work done by you or your contractors.
ETI offers maintenance agreements on a quarterly, bi-annual, or annual basis. A maintenance agreement guarantees periodic service visits, radiation leak testing, and unlimited remote support. Remote support is accomplished through a VPN connection permitting an ETI technician to access your system's computers and devices to perform troubleshooting, diagnostics, calibrations, and upgrades.
Online analysis is the measurement of material characteristics in real-time. ETI's analyzer products use a no-contact non-destructive...more...
ETI's analyzers provide near real-time feedback, allowing process control decisions to be made as material is being processed...more...
The table provided here shows the capabilities and comparisons of ETI's analyzers.
Open DocumentSingle Gamma Analysis, Dual-Gamma Analysis, & Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis. These terms are used throughout this site and are defined here for clarity...more...
The analysis process begins with the bombardment of the material on the belt with thermal neutrons...more...
ETI analyzers are calibrated using static samples before and after installation, and dynamic comparisons after commissioning...more...
Energy Technologies Inc. (ETI) was founded in 1994 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Formerly a division of SAIC, ETI initially focused on the coal industry, providing nuclear analysis equipment and technical support to mines, coal handling facilities, and power plants. ETI is currently headquartered in Maryville, Tennessee where it has expanded into the fields of cement production, biomass processing, and rare-earth element extraction.
ETI designs, builds, and tests all of its products in its Maryville facility, and installs and maintains this equipment worldwide. ETI analyzers are currently installed in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, with support provided through both on-site visits and secure connections to the running equipment.
ETI's services include custom design & applications, turn-key installation, calibration, maintenance, and radioactive material handling and training.
1741 Triangle Park Drive
Maryville, Tennessee, USA